스킵 네비게이션




Hierarchical porous carbon materials with ultrahigh specific surface area prepared from coal for supercapacitors
관리자2018-03-06조회 2241
Supercapacitors are an excellent alternative to traditional methods of energy storage like batteries and dielectric capacitors, meanwhile coal as the most affordable and abundant energy resource currently, has also been commonly used as carbon source for electrode materials of supercapacitors [1-4]. Considering the sustainable development of resource and environment protection, how to realize the utilization of coal with high ash matter cleanly and effectively, has become an important issue to researchers. Compared with the complicat-ed, time-consuming and high cost traditional demineralization method, we creatively intro-duce extraction and back-extraction method to obtain the desired ash-free group component-loose medium component (LMC) from raw coal and adopt it as the precursor for preparation of hierarchical porous carbon materials (HPCs) [5,6].